Haruki's way


Galicia旅行記1. Santiago





今回はキリスト教徒の巡礼の旅で有名なSantiago de Compostela(以下Santiago)について。ここに最初に行きました。どうして巡礼の旅で有名かと言うと、「キリストの12人の弟子の一人であるヤコブが西暦44年にエルサレムで処刑され、その遺骨が二人の弟子によって聖地からスペインの西に運ばれた。彼らはガリシア地方のPadronに上陸し、そこから17km内陸のSantiagoにその遺骨を埋めた。」という伝説があるからなのです。この遺骨が西暦813年に宗教的生活を行う人々(隠遁者??)によって『再発見』されます。
この人達が輝く星を追っていたらたどり着いたことから、SantiagoはSantiago “de Compostela” (=ラテン語のCampus Stellaeから由来, field of the star)と呼ばれているのです。





From August 6 to 14, I went to Galicia, northwestern part of Spain.The main event was the wedding on August 13, but I fully enjoyed the trip over there.

You will see centuries of history everywhere.

You will see centuries of history everywhere.

To many of you, Galicia might not sound that familiar.The word “rias coast” describes a particular shape of coast (drowned river valleys) resulted by erosion accretion and reshaping with sea level rise, waves and various weather phenomena. This word originally comes from Spanish, and it meant the coast in Galicia.

What else about Galicia…? Delicious seafood, different language (but still quite similar to castellano which we call as “Spanish”), Celtic influence…

This time I’m going to write about Santiago de Compostela.

An entrance of the cathedral.

An entrance of the cathedral.

Why famous? Because, according to the myth, the corpose of Santiago Apóstol (St James) was transported in a stone boat from the Holy Land to the far side of Spain by two disciples after his execution in Jerusalem in AD 44.They landed at Padrón and buried Santiago in a spot 17km inland.

In 813 the grave was rediscovered by a religious hermit following a guiding star (hence ‘Compostela’, a corruption of the Latin campus stellae, field of the star).

By AD 1000 it was already a famous city, and the saint’s purported grave became a welcome rallying symbol for Christian and it became a goal for Christian pilgrims from all over Western Europe.I had the chance to see the grave (?) of St. James and many people deeply touched by the sight and cry.

It’s quite impressive to see so many backpackers walking over to Santiago.

Of course, there are not only religious Christians. Some people do it purely for passtime, for exercise, some for a cheap tour.Whatever the reason may be, Santiago’s compact old town filled with nice spots, bars and hotels/hostels will be a perfect place for summer.

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  1. サンティアゴ・で・コンポステラはいつか踏破してみたい道です。
    Campus Stellaeという命名が密かにつぼだったりします。

  2. ヤコブはスペインまで行っていたんだね。

  3. >ちかこちゃん